Here we are again! I had a great time in Vancouver, where I met a lot of interesting people. Reports of the presentations that I visited can be found on the other weblog, One thing that really inspired me was a
talk by Charles "
Chuck" Severance, who was appointed Executive Director at the conference. Together with Andreas Wittke we made quite some progress in the programme of the
1st European Sakai Day which be held in Lubeck next September. Chuck will deliver a talk there!
Getting back to the business of this weblog: I just found a very readable report (in Dutch) by the
E-merge Consortium in which they connect two trends that are visible in todays society, which are
(1) the new student, the netgen, makes integrated use of digital sources and devices and expects that education also works that way; and
(2) employers expect from their employees that they have an entrepeunerial attitude)
The authors, Wim Veen and Fieke Roozen, argue that the HE should act on those two developments. They describe examples of use of ICT that are in line with these developments.
The full